On September 15, 2012, a restaurant worker enters a hospital in China's Guangdong province complaining of flu symptoms. This single event ignites a conflagration of disease that burns its way around the world, leaving death, recession, revolution and war in its wake. In THE THIN WHITE LINE: A History of the 2012 Avian Flu Pandemic in Canada, Craig DiLouie presents a terrifying vision about how a pandemic might unfold, focusing on the Canadian experience but relevant to any country. Reading as if it were a non-fiction book describing a pandemic that has already happened, THE THIN WHITE combines a realistic, meticulously researched scenario with dramatic firsthand accounts of people who survived these tragic times. Global health officials have warned the world that a flu pandemic is an inevitable part of our future, just as it has been a frequent part of our past. In THE THIN WHITE LINE, our worst nightmare comes true.
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